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Desc:Also includes a heteronormative and misogynistic redneck rant.
Category:Educational, Horror
Tags:Chainsaw, TFL, dwayne holloway, sleep apnea, bullfrog mating season
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Comment count is 18
notascientist - 2010-05-11


RomancingTrain - 2010-05-11

I think you could add "heteronormative and misogynistic redneck rant" to the tags of every TFL video.

Caminante Nocturno - 2010-05-11

Is there a grumpy bear in his room, or is that Dwayne snoring?

duck&cover - 2010-05-11

It's a cane toad.

MaulLove - 2010-05-11

Hey guys, what do you think the sleeping situation is in there?

I mean, given what we know about the smallness of Bill's room and the single bed (remember the feet!?), it follows that Bill is either sleeping on the floor or they are somehow sharing a bed.

mashedtater - 2010-05-12

bill is just going to scale dwayne like a mountain range and curl up like a cat on his chest.

MaulLove - 2010-05-19

The fact that Bill is so sensitive about his heights makes that comment that much better.

MaulLove - 2010-05-19

I'm too anal not to correct myself. Height.

I almost fucking typed "to anal" there.

hornung - 2010-05-11

I didn't really listen, and skipped ahead to try and find the snoring.
The first line I hit was "There is nothing wrong with shaving your little girl's head and making her act like a boy".

poetry publishing guide - 2010-05-11

My favorite kind of TFL video- darkness, Bill's head, slurred speech and phantom snoring sounds.

nice Travis Bickle moment around 6:00:
"you dress your little daughters up like what? Prostitutes, whores, whatever...show off their little bodies, don'tcha? Let 'em shake it for the whole world to see, and then cry and whine when something happens to them. It's fucking sickly [sic]. It needs to come to a stop."

BHWW - 2010-05-11

Bill's degeneration continues - pretty soon there'll be the last TFL Bill video feautring a animalistic Bill squatting in the dark, babbling gibberish and growling noises, and then he scampers away on all fours out of a window and into the night - forever.

boner - 2010-05-11

I wish they would just have a pillow fight and give each other makeovers. But you probably don't want to put Dwayne's hand into a glass of warm water while he sleeps.

duck&cover - 2010-05-11

"Brokeback Mountain 2: Ebony and Ivory."

I wish I knew how to quit you, Dwayne.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2010-05-12

Watch this with headphones on.

memedumpster - 2010-05-12

I wonder if Dwayne's leg kicks while he dreams about chasing hookers?

PeanutButterBiscuit - 2010-05-28

This gets five stars just for this comment.

zerobackup - 2010-05-12

The modeling industry lead to porn? Huh?

Rudy - 2010-05-12

Illuminati ----> fashion industry ----> "odacity" ----> Jon-Benet Ramsey ---->girls with shaved heads ----> serial murder

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