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Desc:Ignore the hamfisted editing, and try not to cut yourself on the edge.
Category:Crime, Educational
Tags:police brutality, laughable editing, copious amounts of edge
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Comment count is 16
jangbones - 2009-08-16

tl; dw

Also...there is police brutality in the world? There are police officers that abuse their authority? My monocle!

tokiyojimbo - 2009-08-17

I don't want to turn into Gomorrah or anything, but isn't that attitude... ya'know, the exact sort of thing that lets police brutality continue unchecked?

jangbones - 2009-08-17

you are so edgy

chumbucket - 2009-08-17

Despite the fact that a lot of these officers have serious control issues and need to be put away, in many of these tazer situations the victims tend to have a natural disrespect for "authority" and enjoy giving said "authority" a hard time.

-1 for the worst use of a great Gabriel album

Robert DeNegro - 2009-08-16

An awesome documentary�sure to make people ponder the question -Is Police brutality simply acceptable proceedure?

Enjoy - 2009-08-17

I'm trying so very hard to ignore the editing and tone and I just can't.

teethsalad - 2009-08-17

land of the free, home of the brave

The Great Hippo - 2009-08-17

Anyone who gives this less than four stars probably didn't watch the part with the people asking police departments for a 'police complaint form'. Starts around 28:30.

Utterly fucking abhorrent.

tokiyojimbo - 2009-08-17

I submitted it on the strength of that section alone.

smoothbrain - 2009-08-17

and they wonder why people hate cops

pastorofmuppets - 2009-08-18

I really wanted to be able to say, yeah, well that's just a couple of stations and we're seeing the worst of it.

It's fifteen fucking minutes of people being arrested for asking for a complaint form. Revolting.

memedumpster - 2009-08-17

The topic is five star worthy, but fuck a documentary that insults you for watching it, on purpose, when it has nothing to do with the topic.

That being said, it will be a sign of an enlightened society when cops like this are hanged in public squares. Okay, not enlightened, but better.

Cleaner82 - 2009-08-17


I like the one where they kill a guy because he was gross and dirty and they didn't want to touch him.

spikestoyiu - 2009-08-17

I must have missed the carnival part.

oogaBooga - 2009-08-17

the only way to stop them from doing this to you is to use pull your nose up and make oink oink noises

oogaBooga - 2009-08-17

worst editing ever

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