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Comment count is 14
B. Weed - 2009-04-18

Trivia: this was one of Doug Jones' first jobs.

Slumgullion - 2009-04-18

It's a good time for the great taste... of DINNER.

garcet71283 - 2009-04-18

I had a bunch of crappy moon-man happy-meal toys.

Mad Struggle - 2009-04-18

Max Headmoon?

baleen - 2009-04-18

One of those commercials that is thoroughly emblazoned into my childhood memory with a soldering iron.

William Burns - 2009-04-18

5-star nightmare fuel from back in the day.

Cap'n Profan!ty - 2009-04-18

The later career of that one moon-headed dude from Nightbreed.

Big Beef Burritos Supreme - 2009-04-18

Quentin Tarantino? Is that you?

Xenocide - 2009-04-18

Ray Charles' ironic punishment in Hell is to be imprisoned atop a giant spinning hamburger forever, forced to only perform commercial jingles instead of his classic hits, and given a cheesy lounge singer voice. Also his head is a moon, just for laughs.

SharoKham - 2009-04-18

So this melody was taken from a song that described the criminal career of man who, well, I'll just quote wikipedia:

"The song attributes many crimes to Macheath:

* A dead man in London, on the Strand
* A rich man, Schmul Meier, disappeared for good and possibly robbed
* Jenny Towler, killed with a knife in the chest
* A cabbie, Alfred Gleet, missing and presumed dead
* Seven children and an old man killed in an arson fire
* Rape of an underage widow (minderj�hrige Witwe) in her bed

The arson, rape and disappearance of the cabbie were omitted from the original cast recording of the Blitzstein version, but remain intact in the libretto."

This is much, much more badass than that bank using Lust For Life and whoever it was that used White Light, White Heat for a commercial.

ASubmarineSandwich - 2009-04-18

Oh, but thank you, Wiemar.

Binro the Heretic - 2009-04-18

The McDonalds in downtown Pensacola has a life-sized fiberglass statue of this abomination sitting at a life-sized piano.

Or at least they did have one. It's been a few years since I've been in there. If I get a chance I'll swing in there. If it's still in there, I'll get a photo and post it on PoEN.

Testicles of Doom - 2009-04-18

When I worked at McDonald's in high school (in the early 90s), I was given the task of cleaning out a stock room and lo and behold, I found a translight (the menu board things) or Mac Tonight. I pestered the shift manager until she let me take it home.

Hooper_X - 2009-04-18

"Mac Tonight" is still my shorthand for anyone who has a really pronounced forehead and really pronounced chin. "Edge," the wrestler, is my default example. That dude seriously is built like Mac Tonight.

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