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Comment count is 7
Udderdude - 2009-03-31

Needs "Trying too hard" tag.

baleen - 2009-03-31

Wow, this guy has really changed. When I was in highschool Rev. Bruce just wore a suit and stared eerily at the camera and said things really slowly in a forced baritone. Over the years he began to get "followers," but now it's sort of obvious that it's a really weird performance piece... I think. But we aren't really sure, because you have to be fucking nuts to do this every week for 15 years.

Samisyosam - 2009-03-31

This is what he did BEFORE he turned into the smiling "God is Good" guy, making it all the more creepy. There's more of his stuff waiting in the hopper.

chumbucket - 2009-03-31

for the efforts of the background to keep a straight face

charmlessman - 2009-03-31

This is pretty much how I view all religious leaders.

RoyCastle - 2009-03-31

this guy's voice mail: "bruce.. its your mother.. i just watched your last show and i just wanted to call and talk to you and see how you're doing.. your father and I are still hoping that you'll consider coming to stay with us for a while in florida and maybe we can help you sort some things out.. are you eating okay? i heard that you bought some land and moved out into some metal buildings without water or electricity with some other people.. i just don't think that you'll be really comfortable living like that.. please call me as soon as you can.. i know you don't want to talk to dad so I'm the only one answering the phone these days so call whenever you want.."

betamaxed - 2019-02-16

Seattle Public Access Pride

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