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This Clip is 1 of 5 Clips (1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5)
Desc:A look at the making of possibly the greatest video game ever made. Featuring Aerosmith.
Category:Video Games, Military
Tags:90s, aerosmith, midway, Revolution X, terrorist hair band
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Comment count is 8
chumbucket - 2009-03-24

hair, thongs and headphones

Chizmurder - 2009-03-24

How is this :
1. Real
2. So fucking long

pastorofmuppets - 2009-03-24

Pretty much how I feel about their career

Hooper_X - 2009-03-24



Also: Portal of Middle School Rumors TV: Revolution X was originally supposed to star Public Enemy. That legitimately would have been the best thing ever.

Aoi - 2009-03-24

I saw what had to be done, and this leapt out at me as the most obvious and plausible choice for it. After all, even though they were the villains, the Anti-Fun-Pro-Dominatrix evil organization WERE the ones in charge. Every CD used to take down one of their minions was a terrorist's tool, at least in their propaganda.

Also: "I don't understand how anyone could kill someone with a CD."
-Dr. Dre

Old_Zircon - 2012-10-22

Dre apparently never saw Hellraiser 3.

Old_Zircon - 2012-10-22

Whenever I played this with friends we'd always die on the first level while we were trying to shoot Aerosmith.

FABIO - 2013-07-24

The worst Operation World clone ever made. Bullshit cheap shots you couldn't avoid, bullets did dick for damage so you had to use CDs on everything which you quickly ran out of. 50 cents bought you 10 seconds of shooting CDs until you ran out and died again.

Plus I think you had to do some impossible secret shit to get the real ending.

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