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Desc:Arino starts out his second season with the nightmare that was almost released as 'Super Pitfall 2'
Category:Video Games, Classic TV Clips
Tags:GameCenter CX, Arino, Really Hard Games, Super Pitfall, Impossible Bullshit
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Comment count is 13
Gamara II - 2009-03-25

That man has a high tolerance for pain, and yes "Impossible Bullshit".

sosage - 2009-03-25

You should try the shit-fest we received called Super Pitfall (1...if we count the unreleased version as 2).

This show is the shit.

GlennFinito - 2009-03-25

Arino has a cheerful disposition.

Innocent Bystander - 2009-03-25

I just like that he tells everyone what just happened.

"I fell."

"I need the star."

"The game is over."

chumbucket - 2009-03-25

I have grown to appreciate and love this guy for what he is and what he does

revdrew - 2009-03-25

Shit was intense.

This game is nuts.. if you apparently go through the wrong set of warps, you enter a room labeled "Black Hole!", which has no floor, and you just keep falling until you run out of lives.

Caminante Nocturno - 2009-03-25

I can only imagine how angry I would've gotten with this game as a child.

Hodge - 2009-03-25

Yes, this game makes Battletoads look like a fair challenge.

Camonk - 2009-03-25

Japanese has the largest number of English words outside of English. I... didn't know that they preferred "give up" to whatever they say in their own collection of idiotic hoots and whistles.

Spit Spingola - 2009-03-25

The whole thing was worth watching. Jesus.

boggy84 - 2009-03-25

This show gives you a strange appreciation for some shitty, shitty games that you will nevertheless never, ever want to play.

Hooker - 2009-03-25

I kinda want to play Mystery of Atlantis.

Riskbreaker - 2010-01-01

This man has my respect.

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