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Comment count is 19
Caminante Nocturno - 2009-01-18

The best thing about the Powerpuff Girls is that the original can be considered a parody of the anime version, despite predating it by several years.

Also, Buttercup is hot.

Dib - 2009-01-18

Leave it to Japan to take something uniquely American and completely fuck it up.


mashedtater - 2009-01-19

...Buttercup is like 12!

Nikon - 2009-01-19

Hate the anime remake, but the original had some damn funny episodes. Cartoon Network in the 90's was great in general.

Camonk - 2009-01-18

Anime can and does make the best things repulsive. The Wonderwoman tag had me hoping this included the commercial where Wonderwoman mentioned their development as superheroes and it led to a tit joke.

Busby Berkeley - 2009-01-18

Did I just get anime-rolled or something?

buttnutt - 2009-01-18

this is just perverse

thatonegirl - 2009-01-18

I miss--HEY, what is that in the second half?

bizzaro - 2009-01-19

yeah, thats hat i was thinking

wtf japan - 2009-01-18

Anime is the anti-bacon.

Louis Armstrong - 2009-01-18

wtf japan? The clip, not the identity.

smoothbrain - 2009-01-19

It's not Japanese.

smoothbrain - 2009-01-19

shit I thought this was powerpuff girls, nevermind

fluffy - 2009-01-19

I had no idea the anime version existed aside from Bleedman's horrible manga thing.

Corman's Inferno - 2009-01-19

The last episode premieres today (01/19/09) as part of their 10th anniversary. They're finally going to show Sara Bellum's face!

mashedtater - 2009-01-19

I remember seeing it aired for the first time ever. Cartoon Network was so proud.

fluffy - 2009-01-20

I didn't even know about the face ahead of time and of course seeing the one-frame glimpse had me pausing and rewinding on my TiVo.

citrusmirakel - 2009-01-19

Someone take away j. lzrd's caps lock key, please.

fluffy - 2009-01-20

He does seem to use it rather a lot doesn't he

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