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Desc:For a starving kid in Africa, sure, but it's still Zombie John Lennon shilling laptops.
Category:Advertisements, Cartoons & Animation
Tags:john lennon, dead celebrities, laptop, back from the grave to pitch for charity
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Comment count is 25
Hooper_X - 2008-12-28

Note that it was totally unintentional that I described him as both a zombie and a ghost.


there i said it it's done can we focus on cgi dead rockstars being used to pimp non-profits?

atheistgirl - 2008-12-28

That sounds nothing Like John Lennon.

Hooper_X - 2008-12-28

It's a dude with a Liverpudlian accent. What more do you need?

Innocent Bystander - 2008-12-29

He sounds like John Lennon from Walk Hard.

OxygenThief - 2012-02-01

That obviously wasn't John Lennon because he wasn't talking shit about anyone.

chumbucket - 2008-12-28

well goddamn! where's my checkbook?

Comeuppance - 2008-12-28

To learn, to achieve, to fap to anything they want.

craptacular - 2008-12-28

my dad has one of these laptops, and i met some of the key designers of it. they're pretty versatile - they come equipped with a touch screen and a pen, they can be folded up to be like a drawing board, and they can double for a simple lamp if the family does not have eletricity. they have a very easy to use version of linux, with no text, only icons to display functions. they're also very light and durable. so, the laptops are good... but using john lennon as a face for them is simply pandering to aging boomers looking for an original way to donate money.

Comeuppance - 2008-12-28

If the family lacks electricity, how would they power the laptop?

Hooper_X - 2008-12-28

Actually, I think they have hand-cranks, and also can be jiggered to run off a car battery.

seriouslyuguys - 2008-12-28

They come with a hand crank like those emergency weather radios. The project also aims to allow the adopting countries to build their own factories to produce the laptops. It's really an interesting attempt at bootstrapping economies in the "third world".

HankFinch - 2008-12-28

In emerencies it can be used for food or music and if you shake your head it's a snow globe. You can type equations and it's solved by magic janitors. It can talk to dead people and dead people can talk to you, if they are famous. If you say "bloody mary" to it three times the screen turns red, but you die.

fluffy - 2008-12-28

Is there a new version of the laptop? The ones put out last year don't have the hand-crank or a touch screen.

Syd Midnight - 2008-12-29

AFAIK there's 2 versions, the one for westerners doesn't have the bonus items like hand crank or solar panels. Presumably the ones you buy for poor African families will come with the generator and solar panel.

They have wireless, and they automatically network with similar wifi spots so if 3 people are in a villiage with these, they're automatically in a network. That's immediately a great thing, because a town would only need one internet source, and even without it, the town is networked. That alone makes it valuable for a villiage that wouldn't have telephone service.

TinManic - 2008-12-28


yeah... you like it.

Syd Midnight - 2008-12-29

From now on, whenever I see a digitally ressurected celebrity shilling something, I'll think of it as a zombie ghoast.

fluffy - 2008-12-28

Terrible lipsync, terrible voice, and if they'd spent the money used on this ad to just make the damn laptops maybe they wouldn't need to try to dig up Lennon's ghost to get more charitable contributions.

This makes me feel ashamed for having donated to them last year.

pastorofmuppets - 2008-12-29


Shotgun Jackson - 2008-12-29

Yeah those kids need to be able to join Poetv.com and jerk off whenever they want

Hooper_X - 2008-12-29


Syd Midnight - 2008-12-29

15 years from now those kids will be holding the nation Cyberhostage. One out of every thousand geeks is gonna be a super programmer hacker savant, and we're empowering millions of people here. We need to start being NICE to Africa.

zatojones - 2008-12-29

I bet Lennon wouldn't have bought one for Julian

boner - 2008-12-29


EVILdogshu - 2009-03-10

I too can sound like John Lennon, if I just plug my nostrils.

Caminante Nocturno - 2009-05-07

Oh, that's just some dippy musician your grandparents were obsessed with.

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