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Comment count is 24
baleen - 2008-07-20

I had so much to say about so much shit in this. I'll just let everyone else have the fun of doing it.

KnowFuture - 2008-07-20

i think i came up with a few things but lost the ability to think for myself about a minute and a half in

Angel Carver - 2008-07-23

Baleen wins.

ChocFullOfFunk - 2008-07-20

Well, if nothing else, I'm pretty sure this verse was written by Indian people for whom English was not a first language. Or at least I hope so.

baleen - 2008-07-20

Somehow I doubt that Indians are paying the electricity bill for this guy's sex campus, or for the new five car garage...

jesustweak - 2008-07-20

Damn, that is some awesome world peace honey. These guys can fly you know.

colander - 2008-07-20




Adham Nu'man - 2008-07-20

If you don't buy this honey, you hate unborn babies.

Sputum - 2008-07-20

Well... I'm sold

kennydra - 2008-07-20

Great, now this song is going to be in my head all day!

kennydra - 2008-07-20

Holy crap, from the website:

Can�t Decide Which Variety?

Sample the newest 6 with Our Six-in-One Gift Pack
Now you can sample the six new Madhu Tastes (1, 7, 8, 11, 22, & 25) with our six-in-one pack. Shaped like a honeycomb, this charming 3-panel package contains six jars of rare Maharishi Vedic Organic Honey.

You�ll love the rainbow of new flavors�from lemon-fresh to flower-petal-sweet to richly exotic. And you�ll benefit from the healing effects of Maharishi Honey. With its sparkling, golden, musical packaging, the six-in-one pack makes a great gift for your friends and family as well.
6-in-1 Gift Pack

"Musical packaging"?! it plays that song! Oh, tell me it plays this whole song!

kingarthur - 2008-07-20

Every time you open the jar. EVERY. TIME.

kennydra - 2008-07-20

Apparently that item is out of stock. I WONDER WHY!

revdrew - 2008-07-20

It was only four minutes, but it felt about nine hours. I could fall asleep to this.

anvill - 2008-07-20

Colony collapse disorder was the only response our poor apian friends could find.

major-_-turnon - 2008-07-20

Aperture Farming

Chalkdust - 2008-07-20

My thoughts exactly.

When you're dying I'll be
growing honey
And when you're dead I will be
growing honey

world peace

vedic honey

cognitivedissonance - 2008-07-20

As your attorney, I suggest you take a drop from the little brown bottle in my briefcase. You won't need much, just a tiny taste.

cognitivedissonance - 2008-07-20


RomancingTrain - 2008-07-20

Where did the bees go? They ascended to a higher plane of being(beeing) with vedic honey energy.

Chalkdust - 2009-05-20


Dib - 2008-07-21


Goethe and ernie - 2008-11-29

"Its quality has never been exceeded" was the bit that got me, it was like the cherry of absurdity atop the WTF-cake.

The Mothership - 2015-01-22

Supporting evolution.

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