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Desc:All these conversations are like free living, Himalayan enemas.
Category:Humor, Religious
Tags:Public Access, new age, spirituality, new realities
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Comment count is 14
baleen - 2007-12-08

These people are saying words. I have watched this many times and I can't actually figure out what the hell they are talking about.

paranex - 2007-12-08

Well, Zod's evil hippie twin brother is basically saying the key to living life to the fullest is to live the present moment to the fullest.

baleen - 2007-12-08

ZOD! I knew he reminded me of somebody.

baleen - 2007-12-08

As to the meaning of their dialog, I think the reason I find it humorous is not only the tone of their conversation but the fact that they are basically just exchanging New Age and "world religion" tropes. It's talking without saying anything. Also, saying things like "philosophy is meaningless" and that we've "overfed our minds" is really sort of dangerous and somewhat retarded. The danger of New Age is it's disregard of the real struggle of growth and development. These people make fortunes on recycling pseudo-Eastern, watered down sophistry that caters to the customer instead of challenging the individual.

In another clip in the New Realities series, an Indian "guru" gets off a cell phone (probably talking to his accountant in Santa Fe) and lectures us on how to contact the power centers within inanimate objects.

paranex - 2007-12-08

Actually, if you read a lot of Zen/Taoist type stuff, this is all pretty consistent with that, though you're right it is a bit sanitized for a Western audience. Nonetheless, they are saying *something*.

As for the people they sucker: Well, if you're so fuckin' lazy that you can't be bothered to read a few texts yourself and make up your own mind, and you get your worldview from public access television, well, you deserve to pay Zod's rent!

baleen - 2007-12-08

I've read a fair amount of Buddhist text, some by Westerners and some intended for Asian sanghas. It's pretty difficult stuff. Some of it is brain-hurting phenomenology and includes meditations that require a lot of discipline. It is easy to pilfer the mystical stuff, the romantic stuff, for the sake of adopting a lifestyle. There is very little "floating around." I think it must be pretty easy to float around if your candle shop happens to be near a beach.

PlushJake - 2007-12-08

Wasn't that little guy on Ghostbusters 2?

Pandatronic - 2007-12-08

I see the preloader image and all I can think is "fgsfds".

fourthguy - 2007-12-08


Ursa_minor - 2007-12-08

Ha, i love this. These two fuckers...

Adramelech - 2007-12-08

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yoyo1 - 2007-12-10

Obligatory : FGSFDS

baleen - 2007-12-10

To hell with you people for making me look up that reference.

yoyo1 - 2007-12-11

not even the same guy anyway

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