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Desc:Starts off with awkward CGI, devolves into stilted 'rap' and neon colors everywhere. Relive the 90s!
Category:Advertisements, Cartoons & Animation
Tags:commercials, Transformers, 90s, the voice of doom, metamorphing dudicus
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Comment count is 17
Hooper_X - 2007-11-27

It's great how the first ten or so and the last five or so are pretty standard LOOK HOW COOL THIS TOY IS spots, but for about a year's worth of ads, we got hilariously forced rapping and awful puns.

(it's also surprising how much the CGI improved by the end.)

Stopheles - 2007-11-27

It doesn't surprise me that they backed away from the rapping -- how the hell do you follow up a commercial that refers to the "illin'" gun possessed by a "triple-change villain that's chillin'"?

Stopheles - 2007-11-27

In '91, when I was working at Marvel as an intern, the editorial office responsible for the Transformers comic held TRANSFORMERS: THE WAKE when the book was cancelled. Somewhere in my parents' house is the gift bag that was handed out at Phoebe's bar after work to all who came to mourn the passing of Shockwave et al.

"Warriors" doesn't rhyme with "lazer-blades," btw.

Hooper_X - 2007-11-27

no shit? i know some internet nerd types who would likely pay you for the contents of said baggie. (not me.)

futurebot - 2007-11-27

What's remarkable to me is just how certain we can be that they spelled laser with a Z.

Hugo Gorilla - 2007-11-27

I've never been that big into Transformers, but the idea of Megatron as a tank irritates me.

thebaronsdoctor - 2007-11-27

It makes sense to me. I mean, how threatening is a robot that changes into a handgun when compared to a robot that transforms into a rolling death machine?

Caminante Nocturno - 2007-11-27

Dreadwing looked pretty cool until they described his Gatling gun as illin'.

theFlu - 2007-11-27



Hooper_X - 2007-11-27

I love that bit so much. Partially because the Megatron voice is so non-threatening. It might as well be "Megatron go to grocery store."

sosage - 2007-11-27

Imagine shooting all of those toy sequences. "Fuck. Set it up again. Optimus didn't fall face up when the tank ran him over."

zatojones - 2007-11-27

I was just thinking how depressing it could have been to have to shoot those commercials

lolcoolj - 2007-11-27

Back when every toy had a spring loaded eye remover included with it.

thebaronsdoctor - 2007-11-27

Why did I only own the ones that had horrible rap commercials?

Camonk - 2007-11-28

I'm just psyched they included the dinobots. Those guys kicked ass.

garcet71283 - 2007-11-28

I just missed the Gen 1 toys, Gen 2 was my Transformers. Admittingly, the toys in Gen 2 were significantly better than Gen 1.

Big Muddy - 2008-12-18

@5:46 kid get strafed.

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