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Desc:The ADAM not only makes your kid smart, it is also gives them a scholarship. Also, ingrained sexism.
Category:Video Games, Advertisements
Tags:80s, Coleco, adam, nature vs. nurture, tv not included
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Comment count is 15
revdrew - 2007-10-07

You can stop after the CPK commercial.. the fourth commercial is just the third one again.

Jimmy Labatt - 2007-10-07

LOOK Mr. 80s!! ADAM!!

Jesus where to begin with this. Cheesy production values, a 0 'scholarship' (hahaha), a free Cabbage Patch Kid...the more of these things I see I'm finding it increasingly difficult to believe people sat around the boardroom table and came up with this shit.

Oh and yes the 80s rocked.

cognitivedissonance - 2007-10-07

...then he can play BURGER TIME!!

StanleyPain - 2007-10-07

Even in 1984, 0 wouldn't get you onto the grass at most colleges. But hey....you've got an ADAM.

joyofdiscord - 2007-10-07

It seems like crappy "scholarships" were all the rage back in the 80s and early 90s, as prizes in sweepstakes, kid's game shows, etc. Hell, as far as I know they still are, I just don't watch children's programming anymore. I wonder how many of them were ever actually paid out.

Caminante Nocturno - 2007-10-07

So, why were they willing to listen to the girl's pitch but not, apparently, the boy's? How did he screw up and lose their trust?

Billy Buttsex - 2007-10-07

Wait... where's the sexism? Is someone being a whiney mcwhinerton?

Caminante Nocturno - 2007-10-07

My Guess: Little girls apparently care more about dollies than computers or education. Also, the whole thing had this grating "household from 1950's TV" feel to it.

Spike Jonez - 2007-10-08

Yeah, it's two ads for two different products. She wasn't whining for an Adam, so it's not like it was saying "gurlz R dum." It's not like it was saying girls don't like games, it was saying that girls like games AND dolls. That's not an unfair statement.

boba. - 2007-10-07

this is the first time I've heard "congo bongo" since the 80s. Way to bring back hours of repressed video game memories.

svraz - 2007-10-07

I really wanted a Commodore 64 but moms (bless her heart) came back with an Adam (in one big ass box). I was grateful but boy did it suck ass. The high speed cassette drive was insane. The only saving grace of the adam was that it could play coleco cartridges. As an adult I met a person whose father was one of the people who worked on the Adam. I told him how awful it was. He told me that his dad lost his job a few years after it was on the market and that their family hit hard times. It was awkward.
Oh, and I never got a scholarship or a cabbage patch kid!

Wonko the Sane - 2007-10-07

TV not included.

Spike Jonez - 2007-10-08

I think that would cancel out the scholarship.

Xenocide - 2007-10-07

"Billy's failing school!"

"Let's buy him something!"

Testicles of Doom - 2007-10-07

Those Colecoes will rust on ya...

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