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Desc:Subtitled. He doesn't take the defeat particularly gracefully.
Category:Sports, Classic TV Clips
Tags:basketball, potty-mouth, glurp glurp, time for some slivovich
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Comment count is 12
Cube - 2007-09-07

Dark-o indeed.

x - 2007-09-08

More like dork-o.

I bet he breaks just like a little girl.

1394 - 2007-09-07

Fuckin' serbs.

Eroticus E - 2007-09-07

This is the coolest he has ever been. Look out Grizz, Darko's fucking gangster.

yogarfield - 2015-04-20

Sheed said it best:

"Darko is a Serbian gangster.. got bodies back there. He can go psycho on guys."

zatojones - 2007-09-07

Way to threaten to rape a little girl you Serb low-life. I hope your village gets burnt down by Albanians. Look! I can do it too! Thanks for the inspiration!

OldScratch - 2007-09-07

Dear World, I would like to introduce you to Serbia. Please try not to judge her based on the foul-mouthed insanity of her basketball team, but instead look on her recent history, and humanitarian efforts to further the causes of brotherly love and peace in the Balkans. Also, fuck Albania. Thank you very much, and goodnight! Yours, Komplaino Bitchkovic

baleen - 2007-09-08


Crucifried - 2007-09-07

(Glug, Glug)

Hooper_X - 2007-09-07


yoyo1 - 2007-09-08

I will fuck his daughter like a bosnian.

Goethe and ernie - 2008-08-30

"I will fuck her hard too" pushed this from a comfortable 4-star into a definite 5.

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