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Desc:FBI being threatened, authors being attacked, I don't want to fucking live in America anymore
Category:Short Films, Educational
Tags:new york, fascism, attack, author
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Comment count is 18
Jeriko-1 - 2022-08-13

Tell me about it.
My work involves government contracts. This means that a not insignificant portion of the American population now wants me dead. That happy fun attempted massacre happened not too many miles from my office. And right before the cunt in question died he issued a redneck fatwa of sorts. Literally stopped shooting a second just so he post that on his phone.

Crackersmack - 2022-08-13

wait the "FBI being threatened" is what makes you not want to live in America anymore!? lol jfc you all deserve what's coming

Cena_mark - 2022-08-13

It's sad to see that THIS is what finally makes the right turn against the FBI. How dare they attack an obviously guilty billionaire, get back to oppressing minorities

casualcollapse - 2022-08-15

tell us about more about the storm Q 🤣

Crackersmack - 2022-08-15

wait I thought that the Q people are the ones obsessed with Russian conspiracy theories?

Amos - 2022-08-15

Ceno, I'm old enough to remember when you were a lolbertarian.

I'm glad to see that age has not brought your politics any closer to reality, regardless of your allegiances.

Pillager - 2022-08-13

Polio's comeback & Roe's demise gets me down.

Quad9Damage - 2022-08-13

It starts with you believing that a bunch of Hollywood celebrities, Democrats, and Clintons raped 12-year-olds on a dead rich pedophile's island after he was found swinging in his jail cell, that there's a tape of a Hollywood diddle orgy circulating around somewhere, and that Hllary is covering it up. Nothing is worse than a pedophile and saving kids is a good cause, so what's in that inbox, grandma!?

Trump wins the election. Somewhere along the way you also begin believing that a rogue government agent has leaked that Trump is fighting a secret war against Luciferian globalists, who aren't just operating out of Hollywood, but all over the WORLD, harvesting a drug out of tortured children's blood. Then something something "Russia," but you know the truth...THEY want him out of power.

A new virus rolls in. People are being asked to wear masks and stay home. First Democrat globalist diddle orgy coverup, then kangaroo courts, THIS? What is going on here!? Clearly this is the next chapter in these strange times we live in.

A vaccine for the obviously fake virus comes out. Since you believe the 'plandemic' is made up, what's in that vial!?

Trump loses the election and insists it was stolen from him. First diddle island, then e-mail coverup, then kid blood drug harvesting, then kangaroo courts, then MASKS, then a FAKE vial of POISON, and now the Democrats have moved in an illegal plant! Oh, the globalists have done it now. Well, not MY results, not in MY town!

They tell you maybe you ought to get that shot for the safety of people around you, especially if you're, like, a doctor or something. Diddle island, e-mail coverup, kid blood drug harvesting, kangaroo courts, masks, fake poison vial, stolen election! Now the globalists and the Democrats are FORCING us to take that poison vial. You share a meme on Facebook about ANOTHER certain government at one time in history that "asked for your papers," and you wonder what's going to happen next.

The FBI carries out a...and say no more. Now the Democrats are using them as hired thugs against this man whose only crime was wanting to save some kids from pedophile vampires. Luckily, Breitbart just posted some very useful names and addresses.

Crackersmack - 2022-08-13

"Hollywood celebrities, Democrats, and Clintons raped 12-year-olds on a dead rich pedophile's island" actually, provably occurred though.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2022-08-14

Thank you, Marjorie Taylor Crackersmack.

Never forget that NBC invented Donald Trump. The Apprentice was dreamed up by a couple of liberals (probably from New York) who thought that dressing up the reckless, self-obsessed fabulist who had lost nearly all his father's millions as an infallable business genius would be a great joke. They were making fun of the retarded kid. Liberals don't always suck, but when they do, it's because they can't resist making fun of the retarded kids.

crojo - 2022-08-13

shaky video of first aid

casualcollapse - 2022-08-15

It's not always about the video, it's about the message....

Binro the Heretic - 2022-08-13

Jesus tap-dancing Christ.

Could the universe please just let up on us for one god-damned second?

SolRo - 2022-08-13

Come on. We deserve it.

Binro the Heretic - 2022-08-14

Walking along a desert highway when a hailstorm starts.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2022-08-14

The January 6 hearings are the most bipartisan thing I've ever seen. It's Democrats interviewing Republicans, who are speaking frankly, and they're each addressing the other with real respect.

This is incredibly important to history. No matter what happens, even if we go through some dark times, this is all going into the historical record.

exy - 2022-08-14

good thing the historical record itself isn't under threat

did enjoy watching all the hearings, tho

Sludge Vohaul - 2022-08-14

Has anyone here actually read The Satanic Verses? I haven't and I really should so I can attempt to understand why it created such vitriol.

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