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Desc:Criminal Psychologist (?) gives amazing breakdowns of police interrogations. Whole channel is gold
Category:Crime, Educational
Tags:true crime, JCS, criminal psychology, wrongful accusation
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Comment count is 5
Rafiki - 2021-05-28

Also check out "What pretending to be crazy looks like." It's an hour, but check out the 3:30 - 10:30 segment for a police interrogation of someone who's actually terrifyingly crazy.


Architeuthis Tux - 2021-05-28

Both videos are fascinating... But I'm also kind of boggling that the narrator cannot seem to imagine why a tall black man might be really polite and helpful even when being falsely accused of a crime. Makes me wonder just how reliable his information is... But at the same time, the videos themselves are incredible.

Rafiki - 2021-05-28

"You've no doubt come to notice how incredibly tolerant Michael is over the injustice of the situation. It's the most unusual thing about his behavior, and perhaps what makes him an anomaly with respect to innocent subjects. So before moving on to the second phase of this investigation, we'll show you a more common response from an innocent subject facing similar charges."

Narrator doesn't say he doesn't understand the behavior, just that it's uncommon for the situation.

Architeuthis Tux - 2021-05-29

He goes to some length to explain why the white guy behaved the way he did, and doesn't even speculate on why the black guy reacted differently. Considering how much the videos are about explaining behaviors, the lack of any attempt at insight into why someone might be polite strikes me as a lack of understanding.

Also, I am innately suspicious of this kind of police categorization.

Hazelnut - 2021-05-29

I’m not going to blanket condemn everything done by the police. Synchronicity is a damn fine album. But ‘innately suspicious’ sounds more than reasonable given all we know.

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