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Desc:A animated film, financed by the cult,about their leader, Shoko Asahara. btw, they're mass murderers
Category:Religious, Cartoons & Animation
Tags:Anime, cult, Aum Shinri-kyo, shoko asahara, aum
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Comment count is 11
Aernaroth2 - 2007-06-23

Using anime as a medium to show someone has weird magic powers is a bad idea, assuming you want them to stand out.

Also, why is the soundtrack nothing more than some guy doing really bad karaoke?

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2007-06-23

It's probably more impressively fucked up if you knew what the fuck they were saying. But still, Japanese Jesus wants us all to die.

boner - 2007-06-23

I thought anime was made by rapists and pedophiles, not mass murderers. Hmm.

Food - 2007-06-24

Suitably weird.

90% of the words are just the guy's name (Asahara Shoukou)

kingarthur - 2007-06-24

Its like Jesus and Grimace had some sort of weird Messiah McBaby...who liked to use sarin gas attacks and anime to spread his oddly boring message.

oogaBooga - 2008-07-12

*****Messiah McBaby

Caminante Nocturno - 2007-06-24

Man, seeing someone in anime who isn't a little girl use magical powers is just creepy and wrong.

Gaianna - 2007-06-27

near the end they are just calling him god over and over

really creepy yet funny at the same time

LetsFistAgain - 2007-08-22

Watching divine Kevin Smith here, float over Tokyo colored with the dronings of an autistic cub-scout pretty much made me a believer.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2007-10-28

Five star cult action fun times! Also: KARAOKE!!

oogaBooga - 2008-07-12


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