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Desc:Atari promo video CED highlighting releases right around the time of the crash
Category:Video Games, Advertisements
Tags:Atari, video games, 1983, half-assed voiceovers
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Comment count is 5
garcet71283 - 2018-01-28

This is well before my time but can someone tell me what the hell is going on in the Xevious bit?

betamaxed - 2018-01-28

The xevious portion was weird. Some dev calls out how you couldn't really recreate xevious at home and then proceeded to show a home version that was a poor recreation.

With marketing this bad it's no wonder why the video game industry crashed when it did

betamaxed - 2018-01-28

Bonus ***** for the Pac-Man sound engineer

gravelstudios - 2018-01-28

The titles in this promo actually look pretty decent compared to most of the unlicensed garbage released for Atari consoles at the time.

Bonus stars for the narrator trying to change his voice for every game.

Gypsy_Dildo_Factory - 2018-01-28

So Quad Run is *another* talking game that only says its own name? Like "The Adventures of Bayou Billy"? I love it, but for god's sake why?

The Odyssey^2 (I'm pretty sure before 1983) had a special voice emulator and a program cartridge that let you type in strings of characters to be read aloud. My 1st college roommate and I used it for our answering machine message.

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