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Comment count is 9
Caminante - 2007-04-14

The poor guy has no idea what's going on around him.

FeeFiFoFoTheFifeFifeBrown - 2007-04-14

I have to admit, Al is corny, but he always seemed like a cool guy to know.

fluffy - 2007-04-14

That ending: can we say, o/` awk-waaard o/`

Afgh - 2007-04-14

I was always puzzled by the "starving in Japan" line. Who was starving in Japan in the 80s?

Yellow Lantern - 2007-04-14

Ah, back when a Michael Jackson impression constituted blackface.

Cube - 2007-04-14

I feel just like that. Nobody understands me and I don't get them. I suck at life.

Hooper_X - 2007-04-14


Aernaroth2 - 2007-04-20

Its that old showbiz motto... When in doubt, bite the co-host.

tamago - 2007-05-18

I wonder if there's a Japanese equivalent of Weird Al?

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