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Comment count is 8
Old_Zircon - 2016-01-05

I knew exactly what this thing was going to do as soon as I saw those glass pieces. Didn't diminish the viewing experience a bit.

-1 for no twist ending.

MurgatroidMendelbaum - 2016-01-05

3:00 onward is like watching man discover fire.

"I'll be a little more careful with this one. I'm turning it up slowly..."

"Ow! Let's try turning it up; let's go full-on here..."

"Let me try it first, I'm an adult. OK, ready?"

Nikon - 2016-01-05

Chris-chan: --and uh... sometimes adults feel pleasure from pain, even when they uh, do it to themselves. But I mean, I'm, I mean, I mean, not to a point where they kill themselves,

15th - 2016-01-05

Needs shared custody tag.

bawbag - 2016-01-05

These are yours.

That guy - 2016-01-05

for that Desc:

fedex - 2016-01-05


duck&cover - 2016-01-05

Surefire remedy for loss of manhood.

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