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Desc:I can vouch for Bob in that singing to get a cat to come to you totally does work in real life.
Category:Cartoons & Animation, Classic TV Clips
Tags:cats, H Jon Benjamin, bobs burgers
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Comment count is 14
Rodents of Unusual Size - 2015-11-13

oh my god I think Gale is my roommate

infinite zest - 2015-11-13

Heh.. I've been falling asleep to Bob's Burgers the last couple of nights and had a dream that Bob opened up an open mic comedy night in his restaurant but he has to tell some jokes but he can't think of any so he just steals Tina's erotic fan fiction journals. Please tell me that's not a real episode; I don't want to go to Psychic School.

As for the show, I haven't really been keeping up (I'm only on S3 or so)
but I don't want it to deteriorate the way The Simpsons and Furutama (and even Family Guy) did. It makes sense why Simpsons is still going, in a way, but like any other show, 3 or 4 good seasons is enough. Do something new! You've got a universe to work with that's much more versatile than the Simpsons too. Make a really depressing series about Mort's days or something.

infinite zest - 2015-11-13

But, I live right by a burger spot called Built to Grill, and there's also a Korean place called Kim Jong Grill, maybe my cynicism is getting the best of me.

EvilHomer - 2015-11-13

I'd like a spin-off series that's entirely about Louise and Teddy.

Also, sort of a related question. My, uhhh, friend would like to know the following: what do you do when you meet a girl who's really into Pokemon and probably has Aspergers, and this girl told you right up front that she loves to write erotic BDSM lesbian fan fiction about her Hetalia OCs?

infinite zest - 2015-11-13

I'd say your friend should go for it. There's a little Asparagus in all of us, #YOLO.

infinite zest - 2015-11-13

Depends of course on what your friend's into. I dated a girl for a while who was into it and I still feel weird whenever I walk through the produce section of the Safeway.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2015-11-13

I'm still really proud of my idea for a Star Wars themed pie shop called "The EmPIEre Strikes Back". I came up with that in a conversation with a friend of mine and she thought I stole it from this show. But it's mine, dammit!

Evil Homer, just buy the Meowth outfit. You'll thank me later.

infinite zest - 2015-11-13

Oh you could make a personal pie called the Pan Solo! And a vegan one called Obi Wan Granola! Do it ROUS! Live out your Pie Dreams and let us all bask in your vicarious glory!

infinite zest - 2015-11-13

I mean vicariously bask in your glory.. when you're climbing that ladder don't forget to tell Chex that this website needs an edit feature :)

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2015-11-13

Out of the ones I came up with:

Chewbacca-late chip pie
Darth Tater and Chicken Pot Pie
BeYODAful Lime Tart
C3PLow Carb Quinoa Surprise Quiche
R2DToo Much Goodness Apple Classic

and my absolute favorite, Bobest Fetta Cheesecake.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2015-11-13

Obi Wan Granola is pretty good, IZ! I like the way you think, man.

sasazuka - 2015-11-13

infinite zest: It's normal to dread the prospect of a great show going downhill but I think BOB'S BURGERS is still at the top of its game in season 6. I'm confident they still have a few good seasons left.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2015-11-13

The show hasn't peaked yet, in my opinion. It keeps pushing itself as far as the writing goes without getting stale. That formula didn't work for the Simpsons past season 12, when it just slid into "we're only going to try so much" mode.

I think most shows can't really maintain good writing past five seasons. I think Bob will be an exception.

sasazuka - 2015-11-14

I think BOB'S BURGERS is more or less repeating the same quality trajectory as KING OF THE HILL where later seasons had some of the best episodes, like season 8's Annie-award winning (for writing) "Ceci n'est pas une King of the Hill".

Like, the quality will peter out around the decade mark but BOB'S BURGERS hasn't even been on the air for five years yet (both the first and second seasons were really just half-seasons, and the second season was almost like a third of a season with just 8 episodes).

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