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Comment count is 19
SolRo - 2015-10-21

I think this qualifies for the "whitest people" tag, just because it's marthas vineyard.

infinite zest - 2015-10-22

I guess I never thought about the fact that people actually lived on Martha's Vineyard! I just thought it was a place where the President would go and they'd just have a few live-in housekeepers or ship in caterers or something. It sounds dumb, but whenever the pres has been in any place I've lived the town shuts down and you can't get within a mile of where he is, for understandable reasons, without a press pass or something. But this seems so quaint that one of these ladies could accidentally throw a skillet onto Obama's front lawn like a frisbee and nobody would think that skillet tossin' Cathy In Accounting was actually ISIS!

The Mothership - 2015-10-21

Women's athletics is the best thing. Fact. No matter how white it is, I love this.

oddeye - 2015-10-22

Hell yeah it is, all the grunting and sweating and O-faces.... Fucking hot.

I don't really like the fake ass "Bra and Panties Match" shit you get on WWE or whatever though. They have got to be trying.

EvilHomer - 2015-10-22

Ashley Medeiros, so Would.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2015-10-22

Women's curling was a favorite at gym where you'd see every guy watching the overhead TV's during a rest between sets.

infinite zest - 2015-10-21

I think my ex wife has all these people beat! We'd just moved in to a new place and the stove hadn't been cleaned since probably the 1970s. Anyway we were cooking dinner and the stove caught on fire and after I put we put it out I said that I'd just go get us some frozen pizza or something at the store because "it's just food" and walked out.

Anyway those weren't the right words and I know that, but she slung that skillet halfway down a city block at me and it shot right past my head like a scene from Armageddon.

ashtar. - 2015-10-22

That is not a reasonable reaction.

infinite zest - 2015-10-22

She was not a reasonable person. See "ex". :)

Needtodestroy - 2015-10-22

Jesus Christ zest...

15th - 2015-10-22

Country fair week!

infinite zest - 2015-10-22

'Tis true, the sun is setting on Africa Week..

But do you mean "County" or are you talking about Country Fair? Because ugh Country Fair.

15th - 2015-10-23

Rural County Fair

StanleyPain - 2015-10-22

Is that shit cast iron? That's the only pure way.

jangbones - 2015-10-22

meh, sign me up for Skrillex tossing

infinite zest - 2015-10-22

I want Skerritt tossing!

That guy - 2015-10-22

This would be a good litmus test for dumb feminist vs feminist with better things to do than be mad at this.

ashtar. - 2015-10-22

why would feminists be mad at this?

That guy - 2015-10-22


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