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Comment count is 13
infinite zest - 2015-10-21

Wow. The things I didn't learn in film classes. And we watched the fucking Shining!

Old_Zircon - 2015-10-21

I took an honors, senior film seminar in college. The only person who knew less about film than the other students was the person teaching it (who I hope was not a professor).

Point is, if you want to learn about film skip class and watch one.

Cena_mark - 2015-10-21

I took a class about documentary film and it introduced me to American Movie. That alone made the entire class worthwhile.

baleen - 2015-10-21

Torrent communities are like free film schools.
I wish I had skipped studying film and just watched movies online for a few years.

infinite zest - 2015-10-22

I'll be honest, I mostly took the classes because the credits went towards my comparative literature major, and I could watch movies! The worst was an extra class I took over the summer back at Portland State; the professor showed us Jurassic Park! In fairness he was making some sort of point about how John Sayles was (then) writing the screenplay to Jurassic Park 4, but still.

I won't deny that I learned about some pretty cool films and filmmakers that I probably wouldn't have otherwise through those classes; I mean, I know it's like going to a library: it's probably there but how would I know where to look for it unless someone else told me? And this was pretty much before the internet as we know it, but Netflix was slowly taking over, etc.; even now a couple of really important films the professor used are still un-googleable, as far as I know.

infinite zest - 2015-10-22

Hey Cena I used to work with Mark from American Movie's daughter back in Milwaukee at the theatre I used to work at. Well, to be more accurate, I kinda trained her.. by "kinda" I mean that I was pretty nervous because Mark would usually stop by and pick her up..

The director, Chris is a pretty good friend of mine, if he remembers me that is. If you liked American Movie you should check out his other stuff.

Cena_mark - 2015-10-22

That's awesome. Its in my top 5.
Has there ever been talk of a sequel? I always figured eventually Mark would take another go at making Northwestern and that could be the basis of the sequel. Technology is on their side. They no longer have to worry about buying and processing film.

infinite zest - 2015-10-22

I'm not sure about that. Last I knew they were finishing up a film called Hamlet ADD, which was in production hell almost as long as Duke Nukem Forever.

cognitivedissonance - 2015-10-21

When I was a teenager, I made a replica of this scene with cardboard. I had cardboard Wendy for years.

Wish I still had the tape.

jangbones - 2015-10-21

and they stole it from D.W. Griffith

Old_Zircon - 2015-10-21

They're actually a lot less similar than I was expecting.

Cena_mark - 2015-10-21

Looks like that Staniku was a damn dirty plagarist.

Two Jar Slave - 2015-10-22

"....... �..............!"

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