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Desc:A lot of people drive on various parks and sidewalks to save time in Russia.
Category:Stunts, Accidents & Explosions
Tags:russia, white people, theres a whole channel of these, this isnt the best but it was subtitled
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Comment count is 20
RocketBlender - 2015-02-05

Also, the Youtube comments for this one are just completely fucked.

Callamon - 2015-02-05

Fucking awesome.

Lef - 2015-02-05

This is the gold standard. Bravo!

Their channel deserves a browse and a few submissions to POE as well.

RocketBlender - 2015-02-05

It's full of great stuff, and it's noteworthy translated captions work halfway decently for it as well.

baleen - 2015-02-05

There are these things called pylons.

baleen - 2015-02-05

Stars for "I fucking blowjobbed it."

Raggamuffin - 2015-02-06


Anaxagoras - 2015-02-07

If you watch other videos of theirs, you'll see that those things called pylons won't really fix the problem. People hop onto the sidewalk all over the place: to cut a corner off a busy intersection, to create an additional lane right alongside a busy street, or through parks. (as shown in this video.)

That guy - 2015-02-05

Russia is best country.

Gmork - 2015-02-05


poopy - 2015-02-05

It may just be 'ol Poops here, but I think that pretending to care about safety for the sake of sanctimony is worse than being an honest asshole who drives on the sidewalk in Russia. Their gal pal had to be pulled off the woman who squirted the water bottle.

That said, I don't know the first thing about Russia. If a lot of people die because of sidewalk driving in that hell hole then I am just a dumb idiot.

SolRo - 2015-02-06

Stick with "I am just a dumb idiot"

pyslexic dharmacist - 2015-02-06

"IF a lot of people die because of sidewalk driving?" These people committed vehicular assault ON CAMERA in front of several witnesses.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2015-02-07

Those were all neo-Nazi NATO actors... or something. Which is it today? I forget.

Ugh - 2015-02-06

way better than i anticipated, and i'm going to do myself a favor and skip the youtube comments today

EvilHomer - 2015-02-06

It's sad to think that these brave young men will soon die in one of Putin's wars of imperialist greed.

Oscar Wildcat - 2015-02-06

Sanctions were not enough to stop the bad behavior, boots on the ground were required. Even then there was ample pushback.

chumbucket - 2015-02-06

Perfect. Count me all in on this movement.

jreid - 2015-02-06

I love how for the stickers they used that insanely sticky, shreds apart when you peel it material that book stores also use.

Space Odin - 2016-08-14

My favorite one of these was the episode where the guy in the tracksuit with the AK gets out ---

To provide moral support and backup for the filmmakers.

Russia, never stop being you.

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