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Desc:NSFW audio. Please call NYPD's Hate Crime Hotline @212-335-3100 if you can identify those douchebags
Category:Crime, Horror
Tags:rape, Assault, assholes, lgbt, hate crime
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Comment count is 23
Jet Bin Fever - 2013-07-06

"This is America" is the worst excuse for anything, ever.

chumbucket - 2013-07-07

Its the next best retort next to "'cause".

Nominal - 2013-07-06

"I'm an attorney."

misterbuns - 2013-07-06

homophobia: the bigotry that transcends racial barriers.

simon666 - 2013-07-06

Wanda Sykes: It's harder being gay than being black. You never have to come out black to your parents.

misterbuns - 2013-07-06

The record turn out of black voters during the 08 election because of Obama's candidacy is the reason Proposition 8 passed in California.

Homophobia in the black community is bad.

There is a silver lining: below the age of 30, opposition to Prop 8 was almost unanimous, across all ethnic and class boundaries.

That is pretty awesome.

Start dying, Baby Boomers. (sorry, mom and dad)

Binro the Heretic - 2013-07-06

Older black people are also heavy into Christianity, which I'm sure plays a role in their prejudice against homosexuality and transgendered people.

baleen - 2013-07-06

Latinos\Chicanos are heavily into Christianity as well, but a majority of them now vote in favor of permitting gay marriage. Even if blacks remain at their current numbers against it, the new Spanish voters will more than cover the gap.

Nominal - 2013-07-07

Sadly, this is why I don't have much hope for the end of Republicans. Latino immigrants are hugely conservative and religious. The only thing keeping them from voting Republican is the open racism. As soon as demographics change and the party gets desperate enough, watch the GOP do an about face and spin it that they've always loved Hispanics at war with Eurasia. They grab a huge voting bloc and continue ruining things for another couple decades.

Bort - 2013-07-07

"Older black people are also heavy into Christianity, which I'm sure plays a role in their prejudice against homosexuality and transgendered people."

Something like that. From what I've read, a lot of blacks' quest for acceptance in the mainstream has led to their churches taking very orthodox stances. I expect that to break down as right-wing Christian homophobia shows itself to be increasingly at odds with sane society.

"Latino immigrants are hugely conservative and religious. The only thing keeping them from voting Republican is the open racism. As soon as demographics change and the party gets desperate enough, watch the GOP do an about face and spin it that they've always loved Hispanics at war with Eurasia. They grab a huge voting bloc and continue ruining things for another couple decades."

Depends how short the memories of Latino voters are. Could be they'll just become Blue Dog Democrats -- economically conservative but socially reasonable.

Binro the Heretic - 2013-07-06

"Fuck with this, you're gonna get more than fucked in the ass! You're gonna get fucked like you never been fucked before! You're gonna get fucked so good and hard! And then you're gonna get sucked! Yeah, that's right, sucked good and long and hard! And then massaged! Massaged long and hard, with sandalwood oil! And then you're gonna get showered! I'm gonna shower the fuck out of you! With lots of soap and and a fucking loofa! And then we're gonna curl up in bed and cuddle so fucking hard, you won't know what to do! You like that, faggot? That sound good to you?"

fedex - 2013-07-07

^^^^ this

Bort - 2013-07-07

Out of stars for Binro, so please accept one gift certificate for a back rub.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2013-07-08

That'll do, Binro. Here are your stars.

StanleyPain - 2013-07-06

I'm amazed that, with the sheer amount of press this video is getting (nearly two million hits combined between YT and Vimeo) these guys have not been totally outed and dox-dropped. Usually guys like this can't ever shut the fuck up about how much they hate gays or whatever, so there's gotta be a ton of people who recognize them just by businesses they frequent and such.

Spaceman Africa - 2013-07-06

Well if they're in New York then a quarter of the population looks like that guy with the hat

misterbuns - 2013-07-06

They'll be found.

baleen - 2013-07-07

They'll be snagged when their faces are blown up on the covers of Daily News or the NY Post.

misterbuns - 2013-07-07

Vigilantes will probably dox them at some point, but if people want fast results the right thing to do would be to apply pressure to the NYPD. Spam them with complaints, do research on cases they are solving, resources they are allotting that are embarrassing or extraneous instead of focusing on this.

Feed that info to bloggers large and small, blog news hybrids like The Atlantic, Salon, Huffpo.

Find someone who can write comedy (not that hard!) write a SHORT set of jokes using the data about what NYPD is doing instead of this and send it unsolicited to the writers of Conan, Colbert, The Daily Show. These people notoriously steal jokes from writing samples, and if nothing else you'll give their writers the info they need to write jokes, which they will.

I'm too busy to manufacture pro bono media noise right now :(

but if anyone wants to do this, I can get their material to people.

THA SUGAH RAIN - 2013-07-07

Eventually your cocaine use will catch up with you.

misterbuns - 2013-07-08

That stuff is boring!

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2013-07-08

"Spam the police with complaints".

Yes. You do that.

misterbuns - 2013-07-08

lol. not one person. i was talking about an organized campaign to generate attention. doing exactly that does work, it gets a response, even if the response is nothing. In that case, the narrative becomes 'NYPD indifferent to complaints '.

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