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Desc:42 minutes of Gordon Ramsay swearing at people in Hell's Kitchen
Category:Horror, Educational
Tags:Gordon Ramsay, Hells Kitchen, get out, piss off
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Comment count is 11
chumbucket - 2011-12-29

Cue the creaking instrument sound.

HarrietTubmanPI - 2011-12-29

Where do they get these cooks/contestants? They all seem completely incompetent and some of the stuff they are attempting to serve not only looks dreadful but could possibly kill you.

StanleyPain - 2011-12-29

It's a show designed solely for ratings. If you've never seen it, the basic formula is: amateur chefs become contestants in the hopes of "learning" to be better chefs (which, naturally, is best done in an environment like this), some of them claim to have experience, but most don't.
Ramsay puts on his best show to berate, insult, and humiliate them based on the fact they can't make 4-star cuisine despite not being chefs. The "real" dinners they make for "guests" are usually based around menus that require much more time and care to make properly than what they are supposedly allowed, which again gives Ramsay a chance to do his thing and earn his paycheck. Most of the "major events" in the show are so obviously staged that anyone who has followed Ramsay's career since his earlier years on BBC feels thoroughly embarrassed about what he's doing to make money now.

Anaxagoras - 2011-12-29

In addition to what Stanley said, Ramsey often resorts to hyperbole to describe food that doesn't meet his high standards. (e.g. meat that's slightly undercooked is "fucking raw!!!", and meat that's a little overdone is "BURNT, my man! Look at it!")

HarrietTubmanPI - 2011-12-29

I'm not surprised it's staged, but throughout this montage I kept siding with Ramsey because the food looked awful and I wouldn't want to touch it.

subduralhematoma - 2011-12-29

Yeah i agree. It's TV, they amp up the theatrics, but looking at the food it was raw rabbit, lamb, fish, and chicken. Meats guaranteed to give you foodborne illnesses if not cooked properly. I saw a few of the cooks actually had internal thermometers in their coats so why they were sending food over/undercooked is baffling when they could have easily confirmed it was at temp before sending it to a psychotic scot for inspection.

glendower - 2011-12-29

Another aspect of H.K. that raises eyebrows is the fact that competitions between teams of chefs making a number of dishes almost always tie at a dead heat until the very end of the competition.

Snakeweapon - 2011-12-29

I kept waiting for him to ask "Didn't you kill my brother?" but no.

Snakeweapon - 2011-12-30

... and there goes the tumbleweed.

Sludge Vohaul - 2022-04-03

Here you go. Better late than never.

Jet Bin Fever - 2012-01-04

I unashamedly love Gordon Ramsay, he's such a funny fellow when he's able to blow his top.

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