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Comment count is 9
Caminante - 2006-08-01

It's very very pretty.

baleen - 2006-08-01

pretty, but stupid.

jim - 2006-08-01

pretty, but overtly dramatic.

timmylean - 2006-08-01

Oooo, take me seriously, I have a British accent and say, "Al Kai-ee-dah." He is right, though.

xenocide - 2006-08-02

We kind of knew all that already, but never has it been told with such style.

Aelric - 2006-08-02

brought to you by the knife party, reminding you to vote in Ron Popeil this eletion year

Hooper_X - 2006-08-02


BAC - 2007-01-23

you mean he takes the time to actually pronounce al qaeda?...idiot.

Binro the Heretic - 2008-03-28

If only it really were about conquering the world. At least that would be something.

All it's really about is a small group of people making themselves rich. It's so primitive and sleazy. Global domination seems so grand and epic by comparison.

Three stars for the sheer pretty, though.

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