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Desc:Creepy canadian kids show hosted by a bearded fatty who starts the show by threatening children
Category:Classic TV Clips, Humor
Tags:canada, Zig Zag, filthy enough to be spectacular
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Comment count is 14
FeeFiFoFoTheFifeFifeBrown - 2009-01-22

One of the better preview frames.

Frank Rizzo - 2009-01-22

preload image.

thats what raped children see...
the horror.... the horror...

jesus I cant get over the creepiness....

boner - 2009-01-22

I used to watch this show... didn't affect me at all, just ask the kids tied up in my basement.

SenilePlacebo - 2009-01-22

"Filthy enough to be spectacular."

That right there sums up this show. How is it I had never come across that before? And yet... and ye that phrase summons up such exquisite memories. Ahhh. Yep, that one is going into my archives.

badideasinaction - 2009-01-22

As a Canadian kid growing up in the 80's, I've never heard of this. That or I've repressed the horror.

Udderdude - 2009-01-23

Reminds me a lot of You can't do that on Television. Wouldn't surprise me to find out it's by the same people.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2009-01-23

Am I the only one that thinks that mental patients would be absolutely captivated by this?

foopants - 2009-01-23

I am certainly captivated by this. This is utterly undisturbed though.

foopants - 2009-01-23


kingarthur - 2009-01-23

It's like they bottled those weekends you got left with your weird uncle for the afternoon...

Sudan no1 - 2009-01-23

I hope John Goodman stays alive long enough to play him in the reboot.

JimmyDark - 2009-01-23

Thank god it's not bath time!!!!

pastorofmuppets - 2009-01-23

It would appear that they got a guy who's only ever done wrestling promos and told him kids TV is more or less the same thing

Pillager - 2009-01-23

I watched the wntire 2:55 of that clip.

It has made me a stronger person.

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