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Desc:When I was seven, this was the best show on TV.
Category:Classic TV Clips, Pets & Animals
Tags:Man from Atlantis, Two-Headed Seahorse, Rubber Monster Suit
Submitted:Binro the Heretic
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Comment count is 11
mountain dew insimination - 2008-12-15

5 stars for drug use seeping into the creative process. Again.

buttnutt - 2008-12-15

Why was he afraid of a monster with no arms and tiny mouths?

OxygenThief - 2008-12-15

Not shown: Raging double-headed sea dong.

baleen - 2008-12-15

He just wants to play! after his union mandated coffee break.

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-12-15

I have to presume that whoever tied him to that pole thought the seahorse would kill him.

Lurchi - 2008-12-15

Binro had a strange dream...

TeenerTot - 2008-12-15

So a seahorse evolved legs, but not arms; grew larger with a second head; whinnies like a horse and fetches like a dog.

Why do I love this and when will science produce a real one?

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2008-12-15

I want one.

Thank you, various writers on LSD from the 60s

Desidiosus - 2008-12-15

I can't believe Patrick Duffy would want to give up this gig to be on Dallas.

UnderANeonHalo - 2008-12-15

I wish someone had taped my first experience with LSD.

Blaise - 2008-12-16

I didn't realize this show was produced by Sid and Marty Krofft.

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