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Desc:At garcet71283's request. It's like eating a bag of Skittles with your eyes, this movie.
Category:Classic Movies, Cartoons & Animation
Tags:monkey, poop, speed racer. john goodman, live-action cartoon, the wachowskis bros
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Comment count is 20
IrishWhiskey - 2008-09-27

I have no idea if this a low-budget parody or the actual movie.
For real.

If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go cry for a while.

IrishWhiskey - 2008-09-27

I'm not kidding. Can someone actually answer whether this was in a film by the Wachowski brothers, or the Wlodzimeiriz Brothers?

KnowFuture - 2008-09-27

Looks like fun but I'm glad I didn't pay to see it.

Millard - 2008-09-27

I liked this editing better when it was called the editing in Ang Lee's Hulk.

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-09-27

The weird perspective makes it look like they're all standing on the side of a sheer cliff.

RomancingTrain - 2008-09-27

"Spritle! You're out of your fucking element!"

Camonk - 2008-09-27

I'm calm. I'm calmer than you are.

BillFisto - 2008-09-27

The best part of the movie was Speed pistol-whipping somebody with his theme song playing in the background.

Also, plus a star for the guy from the Jozin z Bazin video.

Spit Spingola - 2008-09-27

Agh. Very hard to watch. I don't remember the original Speed Racer having all the colors jacked up to 11.

This movie deserved to fail even worse than it did but I kind of respect the balls it took to throw this much money into something this awful.

Xenocide - 2008-09-27

Seriously, it's one thing to make it look like the cartoon but the cartoon was never anything like this. It actually, um, made sense.

Jeff Fries - 2008-09-27

So I guess their appreciation of the cartoon was, uh, formal

Goethe and ernie - 2008-09-27

It's like they're one a two man (one and a half man?) quest to outawful Michael Bay. I don't know how many stars this deserves.

garcet71283 - 2008-09-27

5 stars for Sparky alone. It was inspired casting I tells ya!

BHWW - 2008-09-27

On one hand, I have to admire the chutzpah of the Wachowskis.

On the other this movie was a huge turd. Which doesn't irritate me. What does irritate me is that certain...faction?...of this film's self-appointed defenders who were/are boo-hooing angrily about any and all negative reviews from any source, "OOOH THOSE MEANIE CRITICS PICKING ON THIS POOR LITTLE MUTLIMILLION DOLLAR BUDGET BIG STUDIO FILM! CAN'T THEY SEE HOW WONDERFUL IT IS! IT'S A QUANTUM LEAP IN FILMMAKING! ANYONE WHO DOESN'T LIKE IT IS PROBABLY AN OLD GEEZER! AND STUPID!"

wtf japan - 2008-09-27

This set the deluge of overproduced hollywood anime adaptations back by a good 7 years, so 5 for that.

fucking batman - 2008-09-27

this movie was great. you young punks all eat turds

Cleaner82 - 2009-05-03

This was a gorgeous, joyful movie, and anybody who doesn't think so can suck a goddamn lemon.

Hooker - 2008-09-27

Important context: Speed Racer is currently racing right now. He's so far ahead that he got out of his car to have a talk with his family and this fight broke out.

Anyway, he won the race. Spoilers.

BillFisto - 2008-09-27

Additional spoilers: Racer X is related to somebody in the movie.

Mostly Pi - 2008-09-27

Oh, how I yearn for the days when I smoked pot and would just stare goggle-eyed at shit like this.

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