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Desc:An American tragedy as interpreted with big headed plastic animals.
Category:Crime, Educational
Tags:toys, why, adam walsh, Littlest Pet Shop
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Comment count is 10
gravelstudios - 2013-05-12

The youtube comments. This is some world class trolling, and from one so young.

gravelstudios - 2013-05-12

I just checked out the other videos on this channel. This has got to be some kind of elaborate joke.

EvilHomer - 2013-05-12

The editing on these videos is really good, too good for a kid, methinks.

I'm guessing the kid is really a squeaky-voiced, 40 year old midget.

mashedtater - 2013-05-12

cookieannray 1 year ago
you.re a sick little whore that needs a big dick up your ass.......you are proberbly 11 years old and begging for a big cock you cunt...how dare you make fun of this story......you are just as cold as adams killer you whore

EvilHomer - 2013-05-12

Ugh. Some people and their toy-centric children's television shows.

RocketBlender - 2013-05-13

Hey Caminante, I figure it's only a matter of time before you comment here. I'm hoping you may be able to help me with something. I'm trying to remember the name of an anime someone once showed me. It was a funny little almost slive of life kind of show, the main thing I remember about it was a really goofy character who worked at a noodle shop, who had a really over the top laugh. The episode I remember had the soba chef/delivery guy standing at a cliffside with his food, with his crazy 'Ah ha, ah ha, ah ha ha ha!' laugh.

I know that's really not much to go on, but with any luck, maybe you have some idea of what the fuck I'm talking about, because I barely do myself. Any idea what show I'm trying to find here?

Caminante Nocturno - 2013-05-13


RocketBlender - 2013-05-14


bopeton - 2013-05-13

The other customer is at least pretty understanding.

Caminante Nocturno - 2013-05-14

I was expecting something based around the TV show, but this is okay, too.

I guess.

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