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Desc:Surprisingly, it doesn't work that well when you're a half-dead blob of lard
Category:Educational, Horror
Tags:Wii, vlog, review, fat people who draw themselves skinny, Channel Awesome
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Comment count is 13
Toenails - 2011-01-11

Good God, there's just to many ways to insult this guy my brain can't come up with just one coherent thing.

But I'll try:

"When Fatso saw the Wii Board he wondered what the use of a lap tray for his Extra Value Meals would be when he doesn't even have a lapla.,dnfdas,hnkajmd..,dm

a.,maAw fuck. Let me try again:

"Nintendo creates a another exercise-based peripheral and Hambeast get frightened, makes a vid=l,.adlkasm.d,..,d,

d,maGoddammit. I can't do it.

Toenails - 2011-01-11

Wait I think I got it:

"I tried to catch the Snorlax, but my pokeball bounced off the monitor."


themilkshark - 2011-01-11

Wow, he really does draw himself about 150 pounds lighter.

RocketBlender - 2011-01-11

I noticed about halfway through this video, his lower fat roll doesn't move. At all. Even as his upper torso and arms do. He's like a half-animated puppet.

Pillager - 2011-01-11

I always wondered what an adolescent Hutt looked like.

citrusmirakel - 2011-01-11

This site might actually be worse than the Escapist.

phalsebob - 2011-01-11

Well, now we know who wants dessert.

themilkshark - 2011-01-11


delicatessen - 2011-01-12


CIWB - 2011-01-11

His arms are so...fat. So very, very fat. Even by fatty fat fat standards.

charmlessman - 2011-01-11

And now your Wii can call 911 when your fat ass has a heart attack!

Syd Midnight - 2011-01-12

Saving my stars for the follow-up where his Kinect refuses to make eye contact

mon666ster - 2011-01-12

For some reason, I expected more hair and a beard.

Regardless, stars for fatty referring to Wii Fit as "light" exercise. Just a walk in the park, eh tubby?

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