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Comment count is 9
augias - 2010-01-15

This was a great episode. 5 stars.

Xenocide - 2010-01-15

This was one of the worst cartoons ever made. 5 stars.

Lauritz Melchior - 2010-01-15

I made it to, "I also feel flowing water."

Five stars.

Sodomite - 2010-01-15

Then you missed the team motto: "Check it out, dial it in, and amp it up".

fatatty - 2010-01-15

I'm glad I never knew this existed. And I will now try to return to that world if I can.

Caminante Nocturno - 2010-01-15

Go to Hell, Action Man.

Hooker - 2010-01-15

Is this the show that he sees a bunch of numbers everywhere when he's going to do something "awesome"?

Ursa_minor - 2010-01-15

"I'd be happy to let you in, BEHIND ME"

Aernaroth2 - 2010-01-15

Nothing is more EXTREME than math.

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