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Desc:Attempts to be the first woman to qualify for the national finals
Category:Stunts, Classic TV Clips
Tags:Ninja Warrior, kacy catanzaro
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Comment count is 25
EvilHomer - 2014-07-25

I always feel so bad for the female Ninjas. They've got a ton of heart and you can't help but root for them, but they always suck so hard and fail so early. NOT THIS LADY!!! No spoilers, but dang, that was one hell of an attempt.

What's up with the "I hate you JHM" tag? Is John mad about this? Obsessed with Ms Catanzaro?

Gmork - 2014-07-25

This is cool and all, but where's that guy who got the fastest time recently on that insanely difficult course?

EvilHomer - 2014-07-25

Are you for real?

You bag of poop.

Gmork - 2014-07-25

Dude, the rolling dice totally malfunctioned and the guy still made it, with a HUGE gap between him and safety.

I cheered the fuck out of Kacy when she was on. She rocks. I wasn't complaining I was sewing the seeds of maybe someone else doing it because I'm too lazy!

Gmork - 2014-07-25

Also that other dude who hung upside-down on that red hanging ball obstacle!

Heheh. Red hanging ball obstacle.

infinite zest - 2014-07-25

You mean the Weatherman guy? I looked it up and yeah. Wow. However, 4:11 or so gave me some chills I've never felt before. Like really? REALLY!?!

Like really really?

EvilHomer - 2014-07-25


I could do that. I just don't want to. Also, I'm too fat.

EvilHomer - 2014-07-25

Alright, fine, he's in the hopper. Hopefully he'll be able to climb his way out.

EvilHomer - 2014-07-25

(this one is still more intense. There's a lot more drama and tension in her run, not to mention the fact that, while what the Weatherman guy did was mighty impressive, it's even more impressive to see a woman actually finish this course. I don't think any girl has ever made it even halfway, have they?

Also, she's cuter.)

infinite zest - 2014-07-25

What's up with the editing though? I think it's like this in every one, but of the few I've watched a 9 minute time ends at 6:30 or so, and even Mr. Weratherman's is off. I understand if they're just cutting for time, but what are they doing in-between? A quick cut to a family member or something and 30 seconds have passed.

EvilHomer - 2014-07-26

The cutaways are for when the Ninjas actually kill their targets. The producers don't want to show that part on TV, for obvious reasons.

infinite zest - 2014-07-26

hehe. That's really not a bad idea though. Winter/Summer Biathlon does that, with targets of course, and I'm pretty sure it's still an Olympic event. Just because you can ski or run or jump really quick doesn't mean that other Ninja Warriors might be after your golden ninja warrior.

In my perfect world the prize is presented by Richard Harrison.

infinite zest - 2014-07-25

THIS show!!!!!!

A bar I used to work at had cable and all the late night regulars preferred a mixture of g4 and nickelodeon GAS over ESPN and I was happy to oblige: it was like "double dare, ninja warrior, guts, repeat." I don't think there's g4 out here but this is the best show to watch, especially when serving drunk hipsters who could "totally do that"

infinite zest - 2014-07-25

It was years ago but in the one I remember, the commentators were more mean-spirited. Like not mean mean, but like Takeshi's Castle. They seemed to play off the audience's desire to see someone take a dive, and not succeed. Not that I mind these gentlemen, but it sort of changes the vibe.

Potrod - 2014-07-25

At a risk of being called a weeaboo (is there a word for that that doesn't sound idiotic?), I think the American version of this kinda pales in comparison to the Japanese version. For one thing, Japanese announcers should pretty much announce everything (international broadcasts of the original with "funny" dubs are the worst).

EvilHomer - 2014-07-25

I hate "funny" dubs. They ruined GameCenter-CX with that shit!

TheOtherCapnS - 2014-07-25

Well... Frankly, I thought, you know, I was gonna kinda' be like the apparatus.

Gmork - 2014-07-25

Haha yes.

memedumpster - 2014-07-25

The apex Texan.

spikestoyiu - 2014-07-25

Ayako Miyake thinks this chick is a pussy. She probably can't wait to tell you about what she had for her paleo breakfast.

Potrod - 2014-07-25

Not to knock Miyake, but this is a lot more impressive than anything in the Women's Ninja Warrior.

EvilHomer - 2014-07-25

I'd knock Ayako Miyake.

infinite zest - 2014-07-25

Hot damn! I'd make her a paleo breakfast, if you know what I mean (raw sausage)

Old_Zircon - 2014-07-25

American Ninja Warrior
With a heart so cold


jreid - 2014-07-25

I can't watch this in Canada but I'm going to assume it's the female equivalent of the staged streaker dude from last year, complete with censored skin-toned bikini.

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