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Desc:Not since the 80s Megaman cartoon has an opening theme showed such lyrical depth and complexity
Category:Cartoons & Animation, Classic TV Clips
Tags:Disney, earworm, craig mccracken, Jack McBrayer, Wander Over Yonder
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Comment count is 10
Aelric - 2013-11-06

left left left....That's your left!

chumbucket - 2013-11-06

my new theme for when I'm driving and weaving through traffic

Caminante Nocturno - 2013-11-06

I find it very funny that the villain in this cartoon is wearing sneakers.

eatenmyeyes - 2013-11-07

Also, rubber gloves and a bloody smock.

Xenocide - 2013-11-06

Nice to see that Craig McCracken is continuing his streak of creating cartoons that are unlike anything else on television.

Redford - 2013-11-06

I'd like the point out that pretty much the only lyrics in the Samurai Jack opening were the show's title as well, so this is par for the course.

...gotta wonder if the whole anti-ending thing that happened to Samurai Jack pushed Craig away from Cartoon Network though.

Caminante Nocturno - 2013-11-06

If you've gotta wonder, please do it over yonder.

Xenocide - 2013-11-06

Probably not, since Craig didn't work on Samurai Jack (though he and Craig are friends.) You're thinking of Gennedy Tartakovsky, who is currently making movies for Sony.

Xenocide - 2013-11-06

And by "he" I of course mean Gennedy. Though I would hope Craig is also friends with Craig. How can you love cartoons if you don't love yourself, Craig? HOW.

Nikon - 2013-11-07

This, along with Rebecca Black's Friday, would be a great ringtone.

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